09:00 -10:30 Lecture I: New trends & concepts treating single tooth implants
10:30 -11:00 Coffee break
11:00 -13:30 Lecture I: New trends & concepts treating single tooth implants
13:30 -15:00 Lunch
15:00 -17:00 Hands-on I: Decisions process for the prosthetic protocol on immediate implant .placement abutment & provisional crown silicone indexes and implant placement on real epoxy resin.
17:00 -17:15 Coffee break.
17:15 -19:00 Hands-on I: Decisions process for the prosthetic protocol on emergence profile configuration and abutment fabrication.
09:00 -10:30 Video surgery: Immediate single tooth implant placement in the esthetic zone on the same patient than the workshop exercise
10:30 -11:00 Coffee break
11:00 -13:30 Hands-on I: Surgical stent fabrication from the same patient
13:30 -15:00 Lunch
15:00 -17:30 Lecture II: New trends & concepts treating single tooth implants
17:30 -17:45 Coffee break.
17:45 -19:00 Lecture II: New trends & concepts treating single tooth implants
09:00-10:30 Video surgery : Delayed single tooth implant placement in the aesthetic zone on a patient –wrapping the concept
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-13:30 Hands-on II: Grafting harvesting techniques and management (on pigs)
13:30-15:00 Lunch
15:00-17:30 Hands-on II: Grafting harvesting techniques and management
17:30-17:45 Coffee break
17:45-19:00 Hands-on II: Grafting harvesting techniques and management
“Iñaki‘s course changed the way I approach implant aesthetics. Relatively simple soft tissue grafting techniques, combined with intelligent use of components from implant placement to definitive restoration, has made achieving excellent gingival aesthetics far more predictable. His presentations are full of passion and artistry yet demonstrate exactly how he achieves his superlative results in a well structured, organised manner, that is easily integrated into daily practice.“
- Glen Liddelow, Prosthodontist Brånemark Centre
Photography, DSD, Rubberdamology, Indirect Anteriors and Posteriors In/Onlays -from start to finish-
Read MorePhotography, DSD, Rubberdamology, Indirect Anteriors and Posteriors In/Onlays -from start to finish-
Read MoreIMMEDIATE DENTOALVEOLAR RESTORATION (IDR): Immediately loaded implants in compromised sockets
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