Australia has a strong tradition of mateship and collective development. Australians do not leave their mates behind. This is true in health care where Australia remains one of the healthiest countries on earth with some of the best health comes universally shared across the population. However, in recent times these values and outcomes have come under significant strain. Today, we see more and more Australians at the margin of modern society and the dichotomy between the haves and have nots growing. Today we will talk about the context of this as it effects oral health in Australia’s most marginalised groups and how our safety-net systems must rapidly adapt and learn from the past to continue the Aussie tradition of mateship and collective development.
Prof. Marc Tennant is a Winthrop Professor at the University of Western Australia where he, his students and colleagues have been researchers for nearly 20 years.
Currently with more than 25 graduate students working on projects across the globe, ...
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