With an increase in the prevalence of people with disabilities, dental professionals should be comfortable in providing care to their patients within their scope of practice, irrespective of the type of disability. Dental management of people with disabilities will vary with the characteristics and severity of each case, as well as their age and cognitive development. Due to little or no training in the management of people with disabilities in the undergraduate dental curriculum, many perceive it as being too complex and time consuming with limited financial gains. This presentation will provide case examples of dental management of specific disabilities common across the lifespan. Practical advice and tips including obtaining consent, and medical history, applying alternate dental techniques and behaviour management strategies will be shared to make experiences with patients with disabilities a rewarding experience.
Learning Objectives:
The University of Adelaide
Archana obtained her dental qualifications from The University of Adelaide and she was awarded a Fellow of Special Care Dentistry (USA) in 2015. She worked as a Consultant at the Special Needs Unit, Adelaide Dental Hospital, South Australian Dental Service ...
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