Leading Dentists

HPV - It is not the Hanky Panky Virus the Media Says It Is: Oral Abnormality Screening and the Health Care Provider.

Course Info

  • CPD Points:
    ADA CERP ( 1.75 points)
  • Speaker: Ms. Debbie Zafiropoulos
  • Location: Study Clubs
  • Date: May 2016*
    * This date / time will vary depending on your local Study Club.

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New evidence has linked the presence of HPV in an oral mucosal infection to the increase risk of oral and oral pharyngeal cancer. It has been a challenge in the past to identify those individuals with these risk factors until now. In this highly interactive program participants will learn to conduct an OralAbnormalityScreeningTM Exam and optimize verbal skills to educate the patient about self examination techniques without invoking the fear of the threat of cancer. We will review the importance of consistently conducting an effective oral abnormality visual and tactile “lump, bump & bulge” screening exam each time all patients are in our care.
We will discuss adjunctive oral cancer screening technologies as well as review why oral systemic health and wellness are key to oxidizing viral infections. Finally, we will have a check list of what products we can safely recommend to patients that are going through cancer therapy and why our position is so valuable to them.


1. Take away the fear of discussing oral abnormalities with our patients. Give you and your team the verbal confidence to discuss    the  necessity of utilizing emerging technologies to screen patients preventively vs finding late stage oral cancer.
2. Give the attendee tools to discuss changes in the patient’s mouth without dismissing a single small spot or watching what happens in between appointments.
3. Discuss optimizing beneficial product positioning to provide comfort for patients in cancer therapy and support their journey as an advocate and friend.



Ms. Debbie Zafiropoulos

Ms. Debbie Zafiropoulos

Debra Zafiropoulos, RDH, is a Cause Driven Educator, passionate speaker and pioneer health crusader with a wealth of cutting-edge information used to ignite total health and wellness and ‘What can be’ to the world.

Her business ownership experience includes ...

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