Leading Dentists

Pascal Magne: Bundle Package. Sessions 1-3

Course Info

  • Speaker: Dr. Pascal Magne
  • Location: Online

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3 Session Bundle Package (Australia)

AUD 487.00 +GST
    • CPD Points:
    • Dental Board of Australia (11.00 points)
    • Benefits:
    • Online Sessions
    • High Quality Content
    • International Speakers

3 Session Bundle Package (International)

USD 350.00
    • CPD Points:
    • ADA CERP (11.00 points)
    • Benefits:
    • Online Sessions
    • High Quality Content
    • International Speakers


Be inspired by among the worlds most respected dentist and dental educator, Pascal Magne. This bundle package includes 3 amazing sessions recording recently with a total session time of 11hrs. Session 1:The Natural Oral Blueprint, Session 2: Ultraconservative Treatment Options, Session 3: Semi Direct and Indirect Approaches. All session are provided with 11cpd ADA Cerp certificate credits and online video streaming access for 30 days.

Session 1: The Natural Oral Blueprint (4 hours)

1/2 day Esthetic restorative procedures can only be mastered consistently if both clinician and ceramist are perfectly familiar with the basic principles of natural oral esthetics. Most important criteria have been selected and are presented in the form of a checklist for esthetic restorative success (modified from Belser). This overview of esthetic principles is not limited to simple tooth esthetics, but includes the entire knowledge of gingival esthetics and the final esthetic integration into the frame of the smile, face and - more generally - the individual.

At the end of the course participants will be familiar with:
1. Basic principles of natural oral esthetics.
2. A checklist of important criteria for esthetic restorative success.
3. Gingival esthetics and challenges related to the loss of inter-dental tissues in fixed partial dentures and implant-supported restorations.

Session 2: Ultraconservative Treatment Options (4 hours)

The number of ultraconservative treatment strategies for the anterior dentition continues to grow, and the clinician is faced with many esthetic treatment modalities. The major disadvantage of this evolution is that it becomes increasingly difficult to make the appropriate choice in a given clinical situation. On the other hand, the availability of various treatment alternatives often allows for selection of more socio-economic alternatives that conserves the maximum amount of intact tissues while still complying with the biomimetic principle. Treatment options should always first include the simplest procedures (such as chemical treatments, resin-infiltration and freehand composites) and then progress toward more sophisticated approaches (laminate veneers and full-coverage crowns) only when required and if the patient can afford it. This webinar will help the clinician to determine which clinical situations do not require indirect bonded ceramics and can be approached with ultraconservative techniques.

Session 3: Semi Direct and Indirect Approaches (3 hours)

Direct composite resin restorations have been recognized for their valuable clinical service and respect of intact hard tissues and were covered in part 1 and 2 of this series. The cost-effectiveness and inherent minimally invasive approach of resin-based materials is also gaining popularity for CAD/CAM use. Clinical cases will be presented that could have been resolved either with direct composite resin or indirect porcelain veneers. A novel semi-indirect CAD/CAM approach, characterized by its absolute noninvasiveness and simplicity was chosen instead. The bilaminar restoration consists of a customized histo-anatomical CAD/CAM dentin base (incisoproximal cutback) and a generic enamel skin. The patients can be treated either in 1 clinical session – semi-directly – or 2 clinical sessions – semi-indirectly. The purpose of this article is to present another tool of the anterior restorative armamentarium to bridge the gap between direct and indirect techniques.

Dr. Pascal Magne

Dr. Pascal Magne

Dr. Pascal Magne was born in La Chaux-de-Fonds (Switzerland) in 1966. He grew up and followed his primary education in Neuchâtel then moved to Geneva where he graduated in dentistry in 1989 and completed a Doctoral Thesis in 1992.
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