Microbial organisms are phenomenal creatures capable of impacting our lives in a variety of positive and negative ways. Because the oral cavity contains the highest concentration of microbes in or on the human body, it is imperative that healthcare providers understand oral bacterial dynamics in order to render effective care and provide patients with appropriate treatment recommendations. Microbiology—an often daunting field of study to master—will be presented to course participants in a relaxed, fun, dynamic manner that maximizes learning while providing truly amazing facts to ponder and incorporate into treatment strategies. Be prepared to be amazed by the microscopic world!
Learning Objectives:
1.Understand biofilm dynamics in recommending oral care treatment strategies.
2.Recognize how microbial resistance develops and impacts treatment protocols.
3.Discuss possible systemic ramifications of oral inflammation.
Armed with degrees in the dental hygiene and oral biology, Betsy Reynolds, RDH, MS, presents scientifically-based dental and dental hygiene continuing education programs nationally and internationally. Avidly committed to making the dental sciences understandable and relevant, Betsy devotes time and ...
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