Leading Dentists

The Puzzle Pieces of Risk: Putting CAMBRA to Work in Your Practice

Course Info

  • CPD Points:
    ADA CERP ( 1.75 points)
    Dental Board of Australia ( 2.00 points)
  • Speaker: Ms. Donna Brogan
  • Location: Study Clubs
  • Date: Feb 2017*
    * This date / time will vary depending on your local Study Club.

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Caries Management by Risk Assessment (CAMBRA) is an evidence-based approach to prevent or treat caries at its' early stages. CAMBRA has swept through the industry and is being taught in dental and dental hygiene programs across the country but this valuable tool is still under-utilized.  Caries is a multi-factorial disease and research has found common risk factors that help determine a person’s likelihood of developing new or recurrent decay. This course will discuss some of the most common risk factors and why they are so important to address clinically.  Patient profiles will be used to demonstrate how easily you can put CAMBRA to work as a preventive tool in your practice. Attendees will learn how to quickly use the known risk factors, an exam, and a CAMBRA form, to classify the patient as low, moderate, or high risk.

Once you’ve determined your patient is at an elevated risk for developing caries, how do you decide what the next step should be?  Luckily CAMBRA takes us beyond the classification stage and gives customizable intervention and treatment choices.  As with classification, professional judgement is encouraged and individual protocols can vary depending on how the patient presents. This course will take you through multiple intervention strategies including fluoride varnish, Xylitol, and several home products.  You will also be introduced to CDT codes you can put to use immediately.  

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the basic theory of CAMBRA.
  2. Identify evidence-based risk factors and indicators for future carious lesions.
  3. Classify patients into low, moderate and high risk categories.
  4. Explain the advantages of fluoride varnish for your patients.
  5. Establish and implement personalized protocols for caries prevention.
  6. Use CDT codes to encourage future assistance from insurance companies.

Ms. Donna Brogan

Ms. Donna Brogan


Donna Brogan is a graduate and former faculty member of the University of Oklahoma Dental Hygiene Program. She was honored the 2009-2010 Alumnus of the Year. She was voted Outstanding Part Time Faculty by her students in 2007, ...

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