Leading Dentists

USA -Medical Billing, Get Paid As A Medical Specialist!

Course Info

  • CPD Points:
    ADA CERP ( 1.75 points)
  • Speaker: Ms Kandra Sellers
  • Location: Study Clubs
  • Date: Oct 17th at 7:00 PM*
    * This date / time will vary depending on your local Study Club.

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We all know there is a link between the oral health and the rest of your body. If that is the reality, we should be billing many of our procedures as a medical specialist to medical carriers. After all, your patients have benefits for many of the things you do every day in your practice. This course you will help develop an understanding of WHY you would want to incorporate Medical Billing into your practice. Gain the knowledge of what procedures, you perform every day in your practice, can be billed too medical. Grasp the difference between dental and medical insurance, how they differ and how you can collect up to your full fee, decreasing write-offs. This is the course that will show you the ROI and the value that medical billing can bring to your practice as well as increased case acceptance by giving your patients another way to pay for the treatment that they need and want. If you have tried this and it has failed, DO NOT give up, it does work! No matter your specialty in this industry if you are ready to shift your mindset of being “just a dentist”, tothat of a medical specialist you will want to attend this course.

Learning objectives that will be explained in this program include:

  • Understand the financial and marketing opportunities with Medical Billing
  • Decrease the patients out of pocket expense… their dental benefits are limited!
  • Increase case acceptance

Ms Kandra Sellers

Ms Kandra Sellers

Kandra Sellers, RDH, BA is widely considered one of the most passionate and successful coaches any practice could partner with. With over 30 years in the dental industry, Kandra has had many different career roles due to the fantastic ...

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