Leading Dentists

Dr. Yu Chih Chiang

Dr. Yu Chih Chiang

Dr. Chiang is the President of Taiwan Academic of Operative Dentistry. An Assistant Professor at the Department of Restorative and Esthetic Dentistry, School of Dentistry in National Taiwan University and National Taiwan University Hospital at Taipei, Taiwan. Operative & Esthetic Dentistry and endodontic Specialist in Taiwan.

Dr. Chiang has received numbers of international awards from academic institutes, including Joseph Lister Awards in Oral Disease Prevention (2014): IADR-SEA in Malaysia; Pulp Biology and Regeneration Group Travel Award (2014): IADR Cape Town, South Africa; Unilever Hatton Divisional Award (2010): IADR Barcelona, Spain; Senior Robert Frank Award (2009): IADR-CED, Munich and also Paffenbarger Award (2008): Academic of Dental Material, Würzburg, Germany. He has also frequetly published articles and journals on dental research topics.

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